How to enable integration on LadiFlow

#Part 1. Create TikTok integration

Step 1:

Step 2:

  1. Click on "Mạng xã hội & Nhắn tin"

  2. On TikTok integration card, click "+Thêm liên kết" to open setup modal

Step 3:

  1. Enter integration name

  2. Click on "Kết nối với TikTok" to perform TikTok authorization

Step 4:

  • Log on to TikTok Business account

Step 5:

  1. Choose TikTok Ads account

  2. Click on "Lưu liên kết" to save your integration

#Part 2. Create Facebook integration

Step 1:

  • Go to "Tích hợp"

  • Click on "Thư viện tích hợp"

  • On Facebook integration card, click on "+ Thêm liên kết" to open integration setup modal

Step 2:

  • Enter integration name

  • Click on "Kết nối với facebook" to connect to Facebook account

Step 3:

  • Log on to Facebook page account

Step 4:

  • Choose Facebook page

  • Click on "Lưu liên kết" to save your integration

#Part 3. Create Flow

Step 1:

  • Go to "Flow"

  • Click on "+ Tạo Flow" to create a new Flow

Step 2:

  • 3 options:

    • 1. "Sử dụng Flow mẫu" : Choose flow templates from LadiFlow library

    • 2. "Tạo Flow": Create your own flow

    • 3. "Tải Flow từ máy tính của bạn": Import flow file

  • Choose 2 "Tạo Flow"

Step 3:

  • Enter flow name

  • Click on "Tạo Flow" to create Flow

Step 4:

  • Click on "+ Thêm hành động"

Step 5:

  • On searchbox, type "tiktok"

  • Choose "TikTok Ads Postback" action

Step 6:

  • Choose your TikTok Ads account that you integrated in #Part 1

Step 7:

You can choose from the pre-created TikTok Event Sets or create a new Event Set.

  • Choose existed TikTok Event Set

Step 8:

  • Or you can create new Event Set by clicking on "Thêm sự kiện"

  • Enter event set name

  • Click on "Thêm sự kiện" to connect create and connect TikTok event set

Step 9:

(Required) Create welcome messenger message. LadiFlow will help you send a welcome messenger message after user presses the "Get started" button.

  • Click on "+ Chọn hành động tiếp theo"

  • Choose "Gửi tin messenger" to create an action that will send a message to your customer after sending event tracking to TikTok

Step 10:

  • Click on the new action that you created in step 9

  • Enter message content

#Part 4. Create Trigger

To make the flow created in #Part 3 work, we will need to create 2 triggers to activate this flow.

  1. Trigger TikTok Messaging Ads: This trigger will receive a webhook from Facebook when a user starts a chat session with your Facebook page

  2. Trigger Facebook Chat Keyword: This trigger will handle the content of the user's messages while counting the number of messages in that chat session

Step 1:

  • Click "+ Thêm Trigger" to create a trigger

  • Type "tiktok" in search box

  • Choose "TikTok Messaging Ads"

Step 2:

  1. Choose your Facebook page

  2. Choose your TikTok ads account

Note: The TikTok Ads account must match the account you selected in step 6 of #Part 3

Step 3:

Create trigger "Facebook chat keyword"

  • Click on "+ Thêm Trigger"

  • Type "facebook" in search box

  • Choose "Facebook Chat Keyword"

Step 4:

  • Choose your Facebook page that matches the Facebook page you choose in step 2

  • Click on "Tiếp tục" to continue

Step 5:

Select the keyword condition to execute the trigger. There are 2 options:

  • 1. "Tin nhắn chứa từ khóa bất kỳ": The trigger will be activated with any content in the user's message

  • 2. "Tin nhắn chưa từ khóa cụ thể": The trigger will only be activated when the message content contains keywords set by the advertiser

Choose 1 "Tin nhắn chứa từ khóa bất kỳ"

Step 6:

  • Click on "Tiếp tục"

Step 7:

  • Click on "Xuất bản"

Step 8:

  • Select 2 triggers to activate them

  • Click on "Xuất bản" to publish Flow and ready to run

Last updated